Episode Summary
In this third episode, of this 4-part series, we continue to explore what has sat too long in the back of life's fridge; what might be festering and what can you do about it. We talk about OVERWHELM and how to create space so you can create space.
Episode Notes
What happens when we want to BE too many things. What happens when we have set the bar high in so many areas we just don't know where to start? And after years of pandemic panic - we likely have a backlog of unmet dreams and goals. To kick off the SWEET ON LEADERSHIP Podcast, I am joined by Julie Freedman-Smith to talk about the stress and languish you may be feeling at home and at work. In this third episode, of this 4-part series, we continue to explore what has sat too long in the back of life's fridge; what might be festering and what can you do about it. We talk about OVERWHELM and how to create space so you can create space. Join us for this conversation and begin with a cleanse to help you feel free and focused. Contact Tim Sweet | Team Work Excellence: Contact Julie Freedman-Smith | Author, Blogger, Podcast Host and Parenting Expert: Ready to unlock your leadership impact and build unshakable teams? Let's work together! Free 30 Minute DiscoveryComments are closed.
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