Trick or Treat! Here is the third of these halloween graphics for you to share.
Every day, from now until Halloween, I'll add one of these light-hearted "movie poster performance moments". These are based on real-world issues that TWE clients have overcome. Perhaps you'll find one familiar. I hope you have some serious-fun with these. << Previous Next>> Best, Tim
Trick or Treat! We're having some fun here at TWE. Here is the second of these halloween graphics for you to share.
Everyday, from now until Halloween, I'm going to upload one of these light-hearted performance moments wrapped up in a movie poster. I hope will help you start a conversation at your weekly meeting.. (Share any insights in the comments!) I hope you have some serious-fun with these. <<Previous Next>> Best, Tim Trick or Treat! We're having some fun here at TWE. Here is a very real issue to share and discuss with your staff and colleagues.
Everyday, from now until Halloween, I'm going to upload one of these performance moments for you to share. I'd like to challenge you to start a conversation on this issue and gauge how you're team is doing. (Share any insights in the comments!) I hope you have some serious-fun with these. Next>> Best, Tim If we are to improve, we have to be ok with failure (preferably small and controlled failure). It is equally important that we send and receive clear, consistent feedback of when we're winning or losing. We often seek to protect others by softening the sting of getting it wrong - this confuses staff and hampers progress. Be kind, direct and consistent with staff and they'll be better able to fulfil your vision and innovate successfully. Here's a couple of ways you can use TWE graphics:
To receive more fun and inspiring quotes and other tools to help you develop a high-performance culture, be sure to join the TWE tribe by clicking here or using the form on the sidebar>>> Best, Tim |
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